Sunday 20 October 2019

Shang Family display at Gatakers

Keith Shang in front of portraits of his father and uncle.

Keith Shang (who is in his 90s) is pictured in front of his uncle and father. These men were two of Australia's 241 Chinese Anzacs (Cornwall, 2019). Their portraits are currently on display at Gatakers Artspace. Caleb Shang was the most highly decorated Chinese Australian soldier who served in the First World War. He received the Distinguished Conduct Medal twice and received the Military Medal. He was primarily a scout and sniper. The men returned home from war quite unwell, but did not receive any benefits from the government. The community rallied and bought their mother a house and a taxi cab for Caleb, their granddaughter Joanna Olsen's research has revealed (Cornwall, 2019). Joanna and Keith's wife Juanita have researched the family history, much of which has its roots in the Fraser Coast. They have produced a number of books that can be found in the Fraser Coast Libraries' collection. You can also view his oral story on our FraserCoast Libraries youtube page here.
Juanita and Keith Shang with Grandaughter Sky.
Cornwall, D (2019) Chinese Anzacs: Australia's Secret The Australian April, 20, 2019 retrieved from on the 21st of October, 2019.

#chinese #QANZAC #australian #shang #localhistory #frasercoast #47thbattalion

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