Wednesday 15 June 2016

Lexie Casperson and Foxie - local heroes

Lexie Casperson with his younger brothers and sisters and his little dog “Foxie” This image is part of the Maryborough Wide Bay & Burnett Historical Society Inc. collection. Copies of this image can be purchased from the Maryborough Wide Bay & Burnett Historical Society Inc. Contact email
Identifier: ImageCP0511
A partnership between Maryborough, Wide Bay and Burnett Historical Society Inc and Fraser Coast Libraries is ensuring images once kept in filing cabinets are now finding new life in digital form. Remarkable animals was the topic of one of our small projects. During this project we found out about a young boy and his heroic dog.
Lexie Casperson, a boy of 12 years was able to save his two brothers Billy (aged seven years) and Brian (aged four years) and his sister Gloria (aged ten years) from their burning home all thanks to their little fox terrier puppy Foxie.The animal was barking wildly outside and woke the boy who found the house was on fire. Lexie woke the other children just in time, with his sister getting her face scorched from the flames that licked her bed. Information about Lexie can be found here and here
The parents had been visiting the neighbours next door and came round the corner on the way home at around 11pm to see the house on fire.“Public recognition was accorded to Lexie and Foxie in the Granville Shire Hall on August 13th 1929, when the boy was presented with a medal and a wallet of money and the dog a beautiful collar (Trove, n.d.)”.The house was the old Bartholemew home which was an historic two storey wooden building at Granville. The details are found here.

Lex Casperson is a regular library customer and is the nephew of Lexie in this article. He was named after Uncle Lex by his father Brian, to honour him for saving  all the children from the fire. Lex now works at the police station. Before this, he spent close to thirty years at Walkers Ltd as a labourer. He is now the proud owner of the medals and certificate presented to Lex senior by the Royal Humane Society of Australia on the 28/7/1927.

The medal says presented to Alex Casperson by Granville residents and friends in recognition of bravery in rescuing little sister and brothers from fire 28th July, 1927 on the back. AC is written on the front.
“Uncle Lex lived in Mary Street for most of his life until his wife Aunty Lottie died. He then moved to Albert Street in 1991 to be closer to me, as his eyesight was failing” said Lex junior."He lived there until July 2015. He passed away on the 2nd of November, 17 days short of his 102nd birthday,” Lex reflects.
“He was always a humble man and never bragged about what he did or what he got. Even his workmates at Wilson and Harts timber mill didn’t know of his heroism even after he worked there for fifty-one years, as he never told anyone of his award or recognition.”

Lex junior said “Uncle Lex lived a happy, simple life and never uttered a hard word about anybody. He worked hard and lived cleanly.” Lex junior looked after Lex senior in his elderly years after he was diagnosed with glaucoma and surrendered his licence, helping him live out most of his senior years in his own home. He is immensely proud of him and remembers the humble and dignified way he lived his life.

Do you know any remarkable animal stories?

Check out his and other images on our library catalogue. We would also love to see you at Historypin Chat, first Tuesday of every month at the Maryborough Library to share your photos and stories.

Published with consent from Lex Casperson junior.
Tags: #bartholomewhouse #granville #maryborough #frasercoastlibraries

1 comment:

  1. Heart warming. Thank you so much for sharing Lex and Fraser Coast Library. Snippets like these restore my faith in humanity and all the other species we share this planet with. Thank you immensely.
