Sunday 11 December 2016

Madame Mallalieu - a self supporting mother, virtuoso pianist and advocate

Madame Mallalieu
        at the console of the Exhibition organ (probably c.1892-95) from
Madame Mallalieu or Henrietta Percival was born in England in 1842. She migrated to Queensland in 1860s arriving in Maryborough on the ship called the “Prince Consort “ (Roennfeldt, 2015 p. 24).

She became a virtuoso pianist and established herself in Brisbane. She played often with the Jefferies Quartet and “teamed up again with the Jefferies String Quartet for a short but ‘highly successful’ concert tour to Bundaberg and Maryborough” (Roennfeldt, 2015 p. 51).

She returned to Maryborough and her Weber piano solo Polacco was very popular (Roennfeldt, 2015 p. 24). Roennfeldt (2015, pp. 139-140) claims that she visited Maryborough in December 1891 and presented two performances at the St Paul’s Anglican Church. She also played on a Manchester organ at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church.

Some articles about her playing can be found here and here

She experienced many tragedies in her 96 years including the death of a child in terrible circumstances found here

She was a self-supporting mother for many years after her first marriage was not all it seemed. She was also an advocate for many charitable causes. The family’s Toowong home was bequested as a female music hostel.

She died on the 22nd August, 1938. Peter Roennfeldt’s book about her family, career, home and legacy can be viewed in the Local History Collection at Maryborough Library.
Newspapers Home - Trove. (2016). Trove. Retrieved 14 November 2016, from

Roennfeldt, Peter John (2015). Madame Mallalieu : an inspiring musician and her legacy for Queensland. Brisbane Q CopyRight Publishing Company Pty Ltd

Tags #music #maryborough #stpauls #maryboroughlibrary

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