Wednesday 5 April 2017

Henry Stoward - Mayor of Maryborough 1867-1874

Henry Stoward left his parents home in Middlesex, England, at the age of fifteen years. He worked as a Pawn Broker's Clerk.  Having decided to make a new life in Australia, he left aboard the sailing ship St Vincent on the 13th November, 1848 arriving at Port Jackson (Sydney) on the 11th of March, 1849, a voyage that lasted 17 weeks.

Six years later he married Elizabeth Connell at Mundure, a sheep station situated in the Burnett Valley on the 17th June, 1855. Elizabeth Connell was born in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland in 1837 and came to Australia with her elder sister in approximately 1853.

Mayors of Maryborough which became the Fraser Coast Council:
1861 Henry Palmer
1861 John Eaton
1862 James Dowzer
1863-64 A.W. Melville
1864 Robert Case
1864-6 Henry Palmer
1867-8 Henry Stoward
1868-69 John Harwood
1869 Henry Stoward
1869 T.N. Milner
1870 C.E.S. Booker
1871 Charles Powell
1872 Frederick Bryant
1872 James Dowzer
1873-4 Henry Stoward
1875 C.E.S Booker
1876 William Southerden
1877 J.T. Annear
1878 R.M. Hyne
1879 Thomas Penny
1880-1 N.E.N Tooth
1882 Frederick Bryant
1883 Charles Powers
1884 Frederick Bryant
1885-6 N.E.N Tooth
1887 William Dawson
1888-9 Frederick Bryant
1890 George Stupart
1891 N.E.N Tooth
1892 J.M. Stafford
1892 William Harris
1893-4 John Bartholomew
1895 Fritz Kinne
1896-7 J.M. Stafford
1898 C.S. McGhie (Snr)
1899 J. E. Noakes
1900 John Norman (Snr)
1901 Charles Rabaa
1902 Robert Jones
1903 Andrew Dunn
1904 C.H. Johnson
1905-7 William Dawson
1908 W.S. Sim
1909 Charles Rabaa
1910 C. S. McGhie (Snr)
1911 Charles Rabaa
1912 Patrick Tuohy
1913 H. J. Hyne
1914 Andrew Dunn
1915 John Blackley
1916 H.A. Reed
1917 George Holbut
1918 H.J. Hyne
1919 E.H. Warry
1920 Isaac Bushnell
1921-4 H.A. Reed
1924-30 C. A. Adam
1930 - 33 Henry Bashford
1933-39 W.H. Demaine
1939 - 50 R.D. McDowell
1950 - 55 Cyril Tanner
1955-6 H.L. Jones
1956-64 R.A. Hunter, M.B.E., M.M.
1964-70 Ralph Stafford
1970-88 John Anderson
1988-91 R.J. Peters
1991-2004 Alan Brown
2004-2008 Barbara Hovard
2008 - 2012 Mick Kruger
2012 - 2015 Gerrard O'Connell
2015 - present Chris Loft

Do you have a favourite Mayor? What can you tell us about them?

Gietzelt. A.0. (1992) Letter to Council
Maryborough Wide Bay and Burnett Historical Society Inc A Photographic Display in the Maryborough School of Arts
Maryborough District Family Historical Society (later Mayors)
Matthews, T. (1995). River of Dreams- A history of Maryborough and District. Maryborough, Qld: Maryborough City Council.

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