Tuesday 8 August 2017

Gundiah Gazette - Tiaro's Sons - Edward John Larkin

Edward John Larkin 
The Gundiah Gazette runs a column called Tiaro's Sons written by Trevor Keightley.
This is the latest edition of the column:
Edward John Larkin Private AIF, #2921A WW1 7th Reinforcement, 52nd Battalian AIF The Gazette previously published research on Ernest W. Larkins in February 2016 but were unable to determine his connection to Bauple’s Honour Roll. There was a good reason. In searching for last month’s digger, we came across the electoral role for Tiaro South 1912 and there was the correct Mr E. Larkin. Edward John Larkin was ‘British Born’ born in Brisbane 22 August 1887 to Thomas and Catherine Larkin. The next record I have is of him residing in Bauple as a labourer. He was not married when he enlisted at age 29, in Brisbane on 7th Sept 1916. His mother, Catherine Larkin, lived in Walsh Street, Milton, Brisbane, and was listed as his next of kin and he as sole provider. He embarked on the “Marathon” for Plymouth. His service record had multiple listings of punishments for being absent without leave and/or possessing liquor. He was plagued by illness, being in and out of hospital. He was listed as dangerously ill on 9 September and ‘died of disease’, – Cerebro-Spinal Fever 10 September 1918. He was buried in the Marie Cemetery, Plot 5, RowD, Grave 6, Le Havre, France. LEST WE FORGET

For more posts of Tiaro's Sons check the Gundiah Gazette  here 

Published with consent from Trevor Keightley

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