Wednesday 23 August 2017

Local Studies Meeting - Maryborough Library

Trevor Spohr (second left), Fraser Coast Council's Arts and Cultural Development Officer explaining the Story Trails project.
On the 23rd of August, 2017 Fraser Coast Libraries held the Local Studies Meeting at Maryborough Library. The Local Studies group is a large network of librarians across Queensland that meet and link up to share information that is used to improve local history collections and processes.Jane Harding attended from Noosa Library Service. Beth Wilson and Lisa Ryan from Gympie Regional Libraries also attended.Part of the sessions were recorded and will be soon be available on our YouTube channel.
Councillor George Seymour presented an overview of Local History activities in this area found here.
Councillor George Seymour conducting a talk regarding the libraries local history events
Trevor Spohr, Fraser Coast Council's Arts and Cultural Development Officer provided a guided insight into the Fraser Coast Council's Story Trails Project.
Deb McCall - Fraser Coast Library Technician , Ken Brooks- President of the Wide Bay Burnett Historical Society Inc and Beth Wilson from Gympie Regional Libraries try out the matchmaking machine located on the Maryborough Story Trail.

Lisa Ryan, Trevor Spohr, Kathy Shilvock, Jane Harding and Beth Wilson at the Bond Store Museum.
This included a visit to the Bond Store Museum, Gatakers Artspace and the Portside Precinct.
Maryborough, Wide Bay and Burnett Historical Society Inc Collection in the School of Arts,Maryborough.Qld.
Library Technician Deb McCall checking the old library collection at the School of Arts, Maryborough, Qld.
Ken Brooks, President of the Maryborough, Wide Bay and Burnett Historical Society Inc and curator of Brennan and Geraghty's store provided a tour of the School of Arts which houses the Historical Society's collection. Ken also discussed the Historical Society's partnership with the Fraser Coast Libraries and the shared vision for digitising the 16000 or more hardcopy images in the society's collection. Some of these images can be found on our V Gallery .

A round table discussion of the other librarian's projects revealed that a vast variety of projects are taking place across the regions.

The opportunity to share knowledge will ensure continual improvement to the quality of and access to our collections.

What is your favourite museum in the area?

Tags #Maryborough #museums #storytrails #collections #digitisation #portside #bondstore

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