Wednesday 15 November 2017

Maryborough Flooding

Yared Brothers in the background of Flood Waters - Axtell Collection
The Libraries never know what local history treasures may be hidden in people's collections. Out of the blue, one day, a call came from Toowoomba. Some Maryborough flood photographs featuring Queens Hotel, Cafe Kings, and Yared Brothers had been discovered in a collection and were sent to us. Maryborough has been affected by floods on numerous occasions in the last 140 years. The Libraries are busily adding images to our image gallery found here many of which include flood images.
Queens Hotel Maryborough  - Axtell Collection
The Fraser Coast Regional Council also has historical flood profiles from 1957, 1989 and 1992 available here along with lots of other flood information.

Do you have any old flood images?

Friendly Society and Cafe Kings Maryborough - Axtell Collection
What memories do you have of floods?

Tags #maryborough #flood #boats #Queens #Yareds #Cafekings #Frasercoastlibraries #images

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