Tuesday 19 December 2017

Kunurang Krew; Cultural Exchange to New Zealand

The Kunurang Krew is an Indigenous Dance Group from Maryborough. Kunurang means Brolga in the local Badtjala Language and is the symbol the group has chosen to represent the team.

Ally, Mietta and Tess are part of the Krew.


The Kunurang Krew is made up of nine local Indigenous kids aged between nine and fifteen. The dance group has been performing at local events this year and are having a lot of fun learning the songs and dances for these performances. 

The children, families and supporters are busily fundraising to source funds they need to participate in a Planned Cultural Immersion program which involves a trip to New Zealand in February.If everything goes to plan, while in New Zealand, the group will be performing at a major festival in Auckland. They will also provide cultural workshops at schools and for communities.

The Kunurang Krew is working closely with local Indigenous organisation - Stepping Black.A core objective of this not-for-profit organisation is to create innovative prospects through culture and ensure Indigenous children of the local community are provided with positive pathways leading to long term engagement through sustainable partnerships.The vision is to maintain strong cultural connection to create new pathways that help improve the quality of life for future Indigenous families in the Fraser Coast Community.The group has received great local support for their various fundraising efforts.Details about their activities can be found on the facebook page here with the major raffle to be announced on the 22nd of December, 2017.

Published with consent from Peter Skuthorpe-Spearim

#Kunurangkrew #butchulla #badtjala #dance #newzealand #culturalexchange #immersion 

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