Wednesday 7 March 2018

History Chat is off to a start in 2018 with Bauple Museum

Representatives from Brennan and Geraghty's Store Museum, Burrum and District Museum and Wide Bay Hospital Museum and others interested in history attended the Maryborough Library to find our about Bauple Museum's vision and current projects.

The first History Chat session was held at the Maryborough Library on Tuesday the 6th March, 2018. Despite inclement weather Bauple Museum representatives Jenny and Dorree talked about their vision, recent workshop with Lydia Egunnike - Museum Development Officer from Queensland Museum Network and the opening of the new coffee shop. 

The fascinating contents of Bauple Museum
The Libraries shared information about the State Library of Queensland Digitisation toolkit.  The Resources from Galleries Libraries Archives and Museums organisation -  GLAM Peak organisation was shared and follows:
GLAM Peak, the initiative driven by Museums Galleries Australia (MGA) and National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), with support from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has developed a national framework to support digitisation and digital access to collections for the GLAM sector. GLAM Peak is the industry peak body in Australia.
GLAM Peak’s Digital Access to Collections initiative includes a Draft national framework, Case Studies, a program of Workshops including two in Queensland and a Toolkit designed to assist volunteers and staff in small to medium organisations that are collecting digital items, undertaking digitisation and providing online access(source Anne Scheu, Engagement Officer, State Library of Queensland).
Participants of History Chat were keen to see some workshops and visits to occur this year. One suggestion was a workshop regarding the catalogue tool Inmagic . Ken Brooks has confirmed he will conduct this workshop on the 8th of May, 2018 in the Maryborough Creative Space from 12 to 2, so mark the date in your diaries!
The next History Chat will be on the Tuesday 5th of June, 2018 at 12 noon in the Maryborough Creative Space. Come along and have a cuppa and a chat. The Wide Bay Hospital Museum will be presenting their projects and vision and sharing information about their open day.

Tags #history #museums #chat #cuppa #catalogue #frasercoast #share

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