Tuesday 10 April 2018

Having a Voice Launch - Gataker's Artspace

Lillian Coyne and Library Technician Deborah McCall

The Libraries' local history project, Having a Voice, endeavoured to record oral histories of people who traditionally did not have a voice. Communities of interest included women, Australian Chinese, Aborigines, Australian South Sea Islanders and poor rural people. The exhibition consists of portraits and oral history videos and was launched at Gatakers Artspace on the 6th April, 2018. Councillor George Seymour attended the event as did many of the participants. 
Acting Mayor Councillor George Seymour, Regional Librarian Tara Webb and Juanita Shang

Regional Librarian Tara Web and  FC Libraries First Five Forever Project Officer Fay Fleiter 
The interviews can be found on our youtube page youtube.com\frasercoast libraries
Information Services Librarian Kathy Shilvock, Gregory Eaton, Phyllis Klupp and Dudley Byquar

It is a registered Heritage Festival Event and will be at Gatakers Artspace from the 6-29 April, 2018. 

Tags #havingavoice #heritage #localhistory #libraries #gatakers #launch #frasercoast

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