Tuesday 29 May 2018

Launch of K'gari Unit Welcoming Space- Don’t Keep History A Mystery

K'gari Aboriginal Welcoming Space Hervey Bay Library
Don’t Keep History A Mystery is the invitation of Reconciliation Australia during Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June.Reconciliation Australia invites all Australians to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, to share that knowledge and help us grow as a nation. 
Fraser Coast Libraries launched the K'gari Aboriginal Welcoming Space at Hervey Bay Library on the 29th May, 2018 in conjunction with National Reconciliation Week with this goal.The Welcoming Space complements our existing Moonaboola Unit at the Maryborough Library. 
One of the purposes of these spaces is to showcase unique resources pertaining to Indigenous history and culture.The collection includes:
  • Butchulla language dictionaries
  • Children's language books 
  • The Koori Mail
    The Koori Mail is an Australian newspaper written and owned by Indigenous Australians. The Koori Mail was founded in 1991, by Owen Carriage. 
  • Cultural Cemetery records
    Indigenous resources available on an iPad in the Welcoming Space.
  • Books of historical or literary significance
The Butchulla People are the traditional owners of the Fraser Coast. Our goal was to have one place where people can come to become acquainted with that history as well as Aboriginal history across Australia.
Map of Indigenous Australia.
A sculpture created by artist Chris Calcutt  at the entrance to Hervey Bay Library compliments the Aboriginal Welcoming Space and has been created in partnership with the Butchulla Community.

#Butchulla #frasercoast #herveybay #history #mystery

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