Sunday 12 August 2018

The first locomotive trial run

Walkers Ltd. Main entrance to workshops source Erbacher Collection.
Answering local history questions often expands library staff knowledge.The libraries had a query about a Samuel John Morgan jnr last week. After researching our resources the visitor then went to the Maryborough District Family History Society. Armed with information from our libraries they were able to make further discoveries. It was exciting to find that he rode on the trial run of the first mainline locomotive that was produced by Walkers.
 Diesel mechanical locomotive Walkers Ltd. source Erbacher Collection.
The Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser of 14th January, 1897 reports "The trial run of the first locomotive constructed by Walkers Limited under their contract with the Queensland Government, took place yesterday."
One of Walkers Ltd three 600 hp, DH locos for BHP, Whyalla source Erbacher Collection
It was claimed a good crowd of people showed interest as "The engine was drawn out in front of the shop on Bowen street on Tuesday evening, and at six o'clock the next morning the temporary line was commenced,and the engine was brought down along Bowen Street in this manner,and placed on the permanent way in Kent street, in front of Mr. Corser's store."
Deisel Mechanical Locos Walkers Ltd. source Erbacher Collection
Geo. Tedford (engine driver), Mr. W. Watson (fireman), Mr. B.T. Mackay (manager of Walkers Limited), Mr. R. Neild, (Government Inspector), Mr. H. Wilson (Locomotive Department), Mr. S. Morgan (erector), Mr. H. Membreg (boiler maker), Mr. W. Rankin, and members of the press were among those lucky enough to have the first ride (Trove).
 Three diesel locomotives produced by Walkers Ltd source Erbacher Collection.

Do you know anyone that was on that first trial run?

More information about Walkers Ltd can be found in our image gallery , our vertical files or our local history collection.

Newspapers Home - Trove. (2016). Trove. Retrieved 13.8.2018, from

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