Sunday 14 October 2018

Aldershot Smelting Works

Aldershot Smelter (Source: Maryborough, Wide Bay Burnett Historical Society Inc.)

According to the Maryborough Chronicle Aldershot smelting works was established near the Howard coal region by first managing director Mr Francis Gill.In 1889 he selected a suitable site some 485 hectares on the banks of Saltwater Creek, 10 km North of Maryborough.The Burrum railway line was extended 1.6km to the site of the smelter. A brick yard was established to manufacture the bricks for the smelting works construction.Land was surveyed and sold to workers establishing the town of Aldershot.
Aldershot Main building (Source: Maryborough Chronicle

At commencement the smelter could treat 200 tonnes of ore each week.German metallurgist Mr E. A. Weinberg filled the position of managing assayer (Trove).Crushing capacity increased in 1895 to 20 637 ounces of gold.
View of the Eastern Aspect (Source: Maryborough Family History Pininterest Aldershot Collection)

The smelter failed however.This was primarily because it was set up to mine for gold. As the price of gold on the stock market dropped, recovery of this metal was not economical.This combined with poor mining speculation resulted in the company closing its doors in 1906.The reasons are further detailed in Trove. Around 100 people lost their jobs.
The building and equipment were sold, leaving only the managers residence and chimney.

In 1919 the stack according to Trove was transported to it to the Dominion Mill at 560 Kent Street, Maryborough. "It is interesting to state that the chimney, which is 130 feet high, stands on bi square base of twelve feet, it contains about 80,000 bricks, weighing approximately between 250 and 300 tons. It is expected that between 25 to 30 per cent of the bricks will be broken in the operation, but this loss is regarded as normal for that class of work." In 1920 the bricks were used to create and "an attractive frontage to the mill. The work under the supervision of Mr P.O.E Hawkes" according to the Trove.

Maryborough Chronicle Aldershot built on mining retrieved 15.10.2018 from  

Newspapers Home - Trove. (2016). Trove. Retrieved 15.10.2018, from

Tags #mill #aldershot #smeltingworks #coal #howard #industry

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